The CAS Loader (sqlLoader)

To skip the description sections below and go straight to Setting Up the Loader Framework,  click the Loader Setup link at the left.


The loading framework for the CAS databases is in the sqlLoader pipeline (click link to see CiSE 2008 article). The sqlLoader code is checked into the JHU SciServer GitHub repository (link coming soon).  There are several subdirectories in the checked out sqlLoader product at the top level, as listed below.  All but the admin subdirectory are to be deployed on the loadserver machine.
  1. admin - contains the loader admin web interface (Load Monitor) files.  The contents of this subdirectory should be copied to the web tree which will serve as the loader web page.  This needs to be on a Windows web server.
  2. doc - contains the documentation files for the loader, including this file.
  3. dts - contains the DTS (Data Transformation Services) packages used by the loader.
  4. htm - contains the stored procedures and DLL (dynamically linked library) for the HTM (Hierarchical Triangular Mesh).
  5. loadadmin - contains the back end of the admin web front end, i.e., all the files and scripts that implement the CAS loader. 
  6. schema - contains the schema input (.sql) files for the CAS databases.
  7. vbs - contains Visual Basic scripts (.vbs files) used by the loader.
Each of these directories has a readme file to describe the directory contents.  The prominent subdirectories are described in further detail below.

Load Monitor or Admin Webpage (admin/ subdir)

The admin subdirectory contains the web pages and associated files and scripts for the loader administration web interface (the Load Monitor).  This subdirectory should be copied or moved to the web tree where the load monitor is to be accessed from.  Note that currently the admin web pages must be installed on a Windows machine (running IIS) since they use ASP (active server pages) technology.  The security setup is Windows authentication at the moment and this requires that the pages be accessed also from a Windows machine.  The web-server connects to the loadsupport DB of the loadserver.

There are 4 kinds of files in this directory:
  1. Active Server Pages (.asp files) that correspond to actual web pages.
  2. Cascading Style Sheets (.css files) that are used by the web pages to set up the look and feel.
  3. Javascript (.js) files that contain functions in jscript to perform loader admin procedures.
  4. Include (.inc) files that are included in other files above.
There is a docs.asp file that contains an overview of the loading process and framework.  It is the page linked to the "Help" link on the admin page.  The img subdirectory contains the JPG and GIF images used in the web pages.

In order to set up the admin web pages for the SQL Loader, you need to do the following:
  1. Copy/move the admin subdirectory of sqlLoader to the web tree where the admin pages will be served from.
  2. Set up a virtual directory in IIS to point to this directory.
  3. Modify the connection.js file (edit with Notepad) to replace the xxx-ed out password for the webagent user with the real password.

Loader Admin Framework (loadadmin/ subdir)

The loadadmin subdirectory is where all the action is - it contains all the scripts that actually load the data and update the logs.  There are 2 kinds of files here:
  1. Windows command scripts (.bat files) that run the loading framework and SQL scripts.
  2. SQL scripts (.sql files) that contain the SQL code to set up the loading framework and load the data.
There are two parts to the loading framework: loadadmin and loadsupport.  The loadadmin scripts and databases control the load framework on the master.  The loadsupport scripts and DBs set up the loading on the slave loadservers and build the ancillary framework to facilitate the loading process, such as setting up the webagent user, setting up links between master and slave loadservers (if applicable), setting up the HTM, and utilities to manage units of the loading process (phase, step, task etc.).  See Fig.1 which shows the relationship between the LoadAdmin and LoadSupport parts of the framework.  Each of the satellite or slave servers links only to the master, not to each other.  The loadsupport part of the loading works only with remote views of the loader tables.  

Load and Publish Roles

The loadadmin and loadsupport servers also have different roles in the current  distributed implementation:  the loadadmin server runs both in load and publish roles, whereas the loadsupport servers run only in the load role.  The load role corresponds to the loading of the CSV files into the individual component databases (one per load unit), whereas the publish role involves the validation and transfer of the component database contents into the publish DB for each dataset.  The loading is therefore done in parallel, and the publishing brings all the loaded components together into the publish DB on the master server.Schematic of linked master and slave loadservers
Fig 1. Schematic of relationship between the master (loadadmin) server and the slave (loadsupport) servers.

Loader Command Scripts

  1. build-loadadmin.bat - This builds the loadadmin framework on the master server.  This is to be run only once from the command line on the main (master) loadserver machine.  It takes no parameters.  It performs the following tasks:
  2. build-loadsupport.bat - This script must be run on each of the loadservers in the configuration, including the master.  It builds the loadsupport part of the framework on the current loadserver (which can be the master or one of the slaves if applicable), including the loadsupport database, the HTM, loadsupport utilities etc.  Note that the set-loadsupport.bat script must be edited before this script is run.  This script performs the following functions:

Loader SQL Scripts

  1. loadadmin-build.sql - This script performs the following functions:
  2. loadadmin-schema.sql - This performs the following functions:
  3. loadadmin-local-config.sql - This script must be adapted for the local configuration before running the loader.  This is one of the setup steps listed in the Setup section.  This script performs the following functions:
  4. loadsupport-build.sql - This script needs to be edited to update the domain account names explicitly.  It does the following:
  5. loadsupport-schema.sql - Creates a single table with a single row which is the name of this loadserver.  We need to do it this way to allow easy scripted access with SQL.
  6. loadsupport-link.sql - This script sets up the link between the master and slave server for this slave.  Specifically, it does the following:
  7. loadsupport-sp.sql - Sets up the stored procedures for loading from this server.  These include:
  8. loadsupport-utils.sql - This is the package that contains all the pre-load utilities.
  9. loadsupport-steps.sql - This controls the high-level steps.  Each step has a stored procedure with the name "sp<name-of-step>step" associated with it - which is the meat of the step's logic - and a "sp<name-of-step>" procedure that is a wrapper that calls the sp<name-of-step>step procedure.
  10. loadsupport-show.sql - This contains web procedures for the load monitor admin website which show various entities on the web pages.

Task Management

This section describes the way tasks are handled in the loader framework.  The basic unit of loading at the top level is a task.  Tasks are further divided into steps, which are in turn subdivided into phases.  Steps have a well-defined start and end, whereas a phase does not have a start or end associated with it.  A step also has a stored procedure associated with it. The tasks display ("Active Tasks" or "All Tasks") shows the taskid, the stepid and the phaseid, hence the granularity of the task display is a single phase.

Creating a New Task

The New Task link creates a new loading task. You can select the following parameters of the task:
  1. dataset - select between TEST, DR1, DR1C or DR2; this is the release that the loading is being done for, with TEST being used for testing.
  2. export type - the database that this is being exported to: BEST, RUNS of TARGET for an imaging load, PLATES for spectro, TILES for tiling, and a special target FINISH for the last step that ties up all the loose ends in publishing a complete CAS.
  3. xroot - this is the root of the exported CSV directory tree on the LINUX side (Samba-mounted), in Windows notation (\\hostname\directory\subdir...).
  4. xid - the identifier of this load unit, i.e. the chunk, plates or tiles that need to be loaded. This is basically the name of the subdirectory in the CSV directory tree that contains the runs, plates or tiles that are to be loaded.
  5. user - the username of the person who is running this load task.
  6. comment - an optional comment to describe the purpose or content of this load.

Killing a Task

If you are sure something is wrong with a task and want to kill it, you can do so by clicking on the last column of the task display in the tasks table. You will be prompted for confirmation. The loader cleans up when a task is killed, but some files and especially temp DBs created will not be deleted until the same task (with the same parameters but of course a different taskID) is run again.

SQL Schema Files  (schema/ subdir)

The schema creation scripts for the CAS databases are here.  There are 5 subdirectories at this level:
  1. csv - contains CSV (comma-separated values) outputs from the documentation generation scripts
  2. doc - the documentation files (web docs etc.) are here
  3. etc - miscellaneous SQL script files are here, for housekeeping and utility schema-related functions
  4. log - the weblogging stuff is here
  5. sql - this is the main subdirectory containing the schema files.  The various schema tables, views, stored procedures and functions are created by the SQL scripts in this subdirectory.  The following files are here:

Setting Up SQL Loader Framework

To summarize, the following steps must be performed to set up and install the sqlLoader so that data can be loaded into the databases.  Most of these steps (#1-9) are things that you should typically only have to do once, the first time you set up the loader.   If the loadserver has already been configured, proceed directly to step 10.
  1. Make sure that the SQL Server security on the master loadserver (loadadmin) machine is mixed security, i.e. not Windows Only. This is necessary for the webagent user to be able to connect to the loadadmin server.  To check and change the security, bring up Enterprise Manager, select the local SQL Server group, and go to the Tools menu and select "SQL Server Configuration Properties...".  Go to the Security screen and make sure that "SQL Server and Windows" authentication is selected instead of "Windows Only".
  2. Make sure that the SQL Server Agent is running on the master loadserver (loadadmin)
  3. On the master loadserver machine, check out a copy of the sqlLoader module in the C:\ drive.
  4. Make sure that the tempDB properties are set correctly.  In Enterprise Manager under the Databases tab, select tempDB and then select Taskpad from the View menu.  This will show the DB properties at a galance.  You need to check/set the following:
  5. Once you are done, press the Ok button at the bottom to apply the changes.  It will take a while to increase the size of the data file (few minutes to half hour).
  6. Set up the load monitor web interface on a Windows machine (web server running IIS):
    1. Copy/move the admin subdirectory of sqlLoader to the web tree where the admin pages will be served from.
    2. Set up a virtual directory in IIS to point to this directory.
    3. Modify the connection.js file (edit with Notepad) in the admin directory to replace the xxx-ed out password for the webagent user with the real password, and change the Data Source to point to the master loadserver machine.
  7. Tweak the loadadmin/loadadmin-local-config.sql file as per the local configuration parameters (see Loader Admin Framework section above).  Make sure that all the directory paths that are specified in this file actually exist!  For the backup directory path, also make sure that the Sharing (not NTFS Security) privileges for the backup directory allow Full Control for Everyone.
  8. Create a share for the master sqlLoader directory on the web server and the slave servers.
  9. Edit loadadmin/set-loadserver.bat to set the name of the master loadserver machine.
  10. Edit the loadadmin/loadsupport-build.sql file to update the domain account names, if necessary.
  11. If this is not the first time, and a previous loadadmin/loadsupport environment exists on this machine, delete it by doing the following:
  12. Run the following scripts from a command shell (Start->Run...->cmd).  Note that step 4 should be run on each loadserver in the configuration (including the master), each of which will have the sqlLoader directory shared.
    1. C:
      Make sure you are on the C: drive.
    2. cd C:\sqlLoader\loadadmin
      Go to the loadadmin subdirectory in the loader.
    3. build-loadadmin.bat
      This will create the loadadmin environment and DB.
    4. build-loadsupport.bat -LP (on loadadmin/master)
      build-loadsupport.bat -L (on each loadserver/slave other than master)
      Run this on each loadserver in the configuration.  On all but the master (loadadmin) server, the sqlLoader directory is shared.  This will create the loadsupport environment and DB and set this loadserver's role to both LOAD and PUBLISH.  If the last message from running the above 2 steps says "Access denied..." rather than "1 file(s) moved", this means that the log file could not be moved to the loadlog directory.  You will need to right-click on the C:\loadlog directory, select Properties or Sharing and Security and go to the Sharing tab.  In the Sharing permissions screen, select Everyone and turn on Full Control.  After doing this, you will have to restart the setup at step 9 above. 
    5. For a BEST and TARGET load (public datasets) run the command:
      build-publish-db.bat <dataset> <db-data-size> <db-logsize>
      For RUNS loading, run the following command:
      build-runs-db.bat <dataset> <db-data-size> <db-logsize>
      These scripts should be run on the master only.  The build-publish-dbs.bat script will automatically create publish DBs for the BEST and TARGET skyversions for each dataset.  This will take some time to run for multi-GB sizes.  The sizes you pick for the DB and log files should be approximately:
      <db-data-size> = the total size of the data (CSV files) that you want to load + 50%, in MB.
      <db-log-size> = at least 50% of the CSV data size, in MB. e.g.,

      build-publish-db.bat TEST 20000 10000 (for BEST/TARGET loader)
      build-runs-db.bat TEST 20000 10000 (for RUNS loader)

      These are just the initial sizes - SQL Server will expand the file sizes as needed, but this comes at a performance cost so it's better to allocate enough space to begin with. Note that there are analogous scripts for BEST and TARGET DBs as for RUNS: build-best-db.bat and build-target-db.bat, but you should not need to run them separately.

Running the Loader

The loading is launched and controlled from the Load Monitor web interface.  A New Task must be created and launched for each unit of the loading, whether it is an imaging, spectro or tiling load.  The unit for each type of loading as as follows:

Monitoring the Load

Selecting the Active Tasks or All Tasks links in the Load Monitor shows you the tasks that are currently running. The color-coding for the task status is shown below the task table. For each task, the taskid, the stepid and the phase number are shown, along with the name of the task and step that is currently being executed. The task display is updated once every minute.

For each task, you can select the Steps, Files or Log links to look at the steps, files and phases logged (completed) for that task.

The PRELOAD step of a loading task usually takes the longest time, as the CSV files are loaded into the load-DB in this step. The largest of the CSV files for each run - the PhotoObj*.csv files - each will take 10-15 mins each to load, and the preload step for one imaging chunk can take more than an hour to complete. You can monitor the progress of the preload step by selecting the Files display for that task.

Running FINISH step by step manually

Currently the FINISH part of the loading can be run step by step, but only if manually invoked from the SQL QA or SQL Agent.

The command to execute shd be:

EXEC spFinishStep <taskid>, <stepid>[, <step>[, <mode> ] ]

(both <step> and <mode> are optional)

where <taskid> = 1, 2 or 3 for BEST, TARG or RUNS resp.,

<stepid> = 1,
<step> = one of the following:
'ALL', (default)
<mode> = 'resume' (default) or some other string (not 'resume')

The resume mode means keep going with the FINISH step after executing the first step indicated, otherwise it stops after that step.

So in most cases, you will be using something like:

EXEC spFinishStep 1, 1, 'buildIndices'


EXEC spFinishStep 1, 1

is equivalent to:

EXEC spFinishStep 1, 1, 'ALL', 'resume'

(don't bother to specify the 4th parameter because you want resume mode).

The WebLog DB

The WebLog database maintains a record of every query submitted to the DB server via the SkyServer web interface.  All skyserver queries are submitted to the server through the execution of the spExecuteSQL stored procedure.   However, the task of getting the query information from the web server to the DB server is non-trivial (because Active Directory is not set up), and ensuring its success requires that the following steps be performed.
  1. Set up the web logging configuration in the IIS running on the web server:
  2. Once a month, move all the files in the LogFiles folder to a new folder to save them.
  3. On the DB server, open Enterprise Manager (EM).  The SQL logging is driven off of the existence of the WebLog DB.  A check for the existence of this DB is built into the spExecuteSQL stored procedure.  This procedure inserts the query submitted by the user into the Weblog tables.   The tables in the WebLog DB are:
  4. The SQL Agent should have one job to merge new weblogs.  The job should be in the DB Maintenance category.  To create this job, the procedure is as follows:
    1. Open the Management tab in EM
    2. Open the SQL Server Agent tab under Management
    3. Right-click on Jobs and select New Job ...
    4. Type in a name for the job, e.g., "Merge in new weblogs"
    5. Make sure Enabled is checked
    6. Select Database Maintenance in the Category window
    7. Make the local DB admin the owner of the task
    8. Type in a description, e.g. "Copies last 2 days of logs into skyserver weblog database"
    9. Next, open the Steps tab and select New... to create a new step
    10. Type in a name for the step, e.g. "Do the merge"
    11. Select WebLog as the database in the Database window
    12. In the Command window, type in "EXEC WebLogMerge"
    13. Open the Advanced tab within Steps and make sure that the On Success action is "Quit the job reporting success", and On Failure action is "Quit the job reporting failure"; click Ok to return to main Steps screen
    14. Open the Schedules tab and select New Schedule... to create a new schedule
    15. Select Recurring, and create a Daily schedule to run the job every hour from 1 am until 11:59:59pm.
    16. Save all changes by selecting Ok on all screens.  The job should appear in the Jobs display now.
    This job invokes the WebLogMerge procedure, which appends the weblog from the last 2 days each time.  This in turn calls UpdateWebLog, which is where all the work is really done.  Both these procedures are in sqlLoader/schema/log/webLogDBCreate.sql, which is also where the WebLog DB creation code is.  The way the weblog appending is done is:
To Do:
  1. Put the webserver side of weblogging config in the installation scripts/procedures.
  2. Schedule task(s) to clean up weblog directory on webserver every so often.  Currently this has to be done manually.

Updating Metadata and Documentation Tables

The schema/csv subdirectory contains the files that load the content for the associated metadata tables. The files are all SQL scripts that can be run in the SQL QA. However, it is not necessary to run them manually, since the spLoadMetaData procedure in the BEST database can be invoked to run them all. This section lists the files and the steps necessary to load or update the metadata into the BEST DB.

Metadata Loading Scripts

The metadata tables in the BEST database and their corresponding loading scripts and purpose are listed in the table below. The loading scripts are generated (by the Visual Basic scripts in vbs subdirectory) from the schema (.sql) files in the schema/sql subdirectory.
DB Table Loading script (in schema/csv) Purpose/content
DBObjects loaddbobjects.sql Name and description of every user Table, View, Function and Stored Procedure in the database.
DBColumns loaddbcolumns.sql Name and description of every Column in every user Table in the database.
DBViewCols loaddbviewcols.sql Name and descriptio of every Column in every user View in the database.
Dependency loaddependency.sql The dependency chart for functions and procedures that gives the parent and child names for each such object.
Inventory loadinventory.sql A list of every schema object ordered by the file that contains it.
History loadhistory.sql Extracts the change history from each schema file and shows them in chronological order.

Documentation Files

The documentation tables Glossary, Algorithm and TableDesc in the BEST database hold the content for the Glossary, Algorithms and Table Description pages in the SkyServer Help menu.  These pages are auto-generated from these tables on the fly. To modify the content of these Help pages, you need to make the changes in the original context .txt files in the schema/doc subdirectory.

The mappings between the SkyServer Help pages, the corresponding DB tables, the content files and loading scripts are shown in the table below.
SkyServer Help Page DB Table Content file (in schema/doc) Loading script (in schema/csv)
Glossary Glossary glossary.txt loadglossary.sql
Algorithms Algorithm algorithm.txt loadalgorithm.sql
Table Descriptions TableDesc tabledesc.txt loadtabledesc.sql

Loading Metadata and Documentation into BEST DB

The following steps are necessary in order to load or update these metadata and documentation tables:
(NOTE: If you are running the spSyncSchema stored procedure, you do not need to execute the following steps because spSyncSchema runs all of them after running the schema synchronization scripts.)
  1. Run a command shell (Start->Run-(cmd)) on the host that has the sqlLoader installed (loadadmin server).
  2. In the sqlLoader/vbs directory, run the runAll.bat script and it will generate each of the .sql files listed above into the schema/csv subdirectory.
  3. Open a SQL Query Analyzer in the BEST database for that release (e.g. BESTDR3) and run the following command:

    EXEC spLoadMetaData 0,0,'C:\sqlLoader\schema\csv\'

    where the first 2 parameters (taskid,stepid) are set to 0, and C:\sqlLoader is the location of the sqlLoader directory in which the runAll.bat script was run in step 2. Remember the last '\' at the end of the sqlLoader path, otherwise it won't work.

Setting Up SkyServer Web Interface

The SkyServer web pages can be pointed to the newly published databases as follows:
  1. Create the web interface directory on the webserver - On the webserver machine that is running IIS, install the SkyServer web tree under the C:\skyserver directory. There will be one copy of the web interface for each access type that this webserver serves.  There are 3 types of access possible:
  2. The web tree for each type of access is identical, but one file is modified at the top level to set the site parameters and access level (see step 2).   The SkyServer web tree is in the CVS skyServer product. Check the desired (tagged) version of the skyServer product out of CVS as follows:

    > cvs co -r <tag> skyServer

    This will check out the version tagged with the given tag into the directory. This needs to be a tagged checkout rather than an export so that changes from CVS can be applied to each web tree using the CVS update command, e.g.,

    > cd C:\skyserver\collab.dr3
    > cvs up -r v3_5

    in order to make bug fixes and other updates. Rename the newly created "skyServer" sub-directory under C:\skyserver according to the convention "<access-type>.<release>", e.g. C:\skyserver\collab.dr3\, or C:\skyserver\public.dr3\, etc., so that it is easy to tell the function and release date of a particular skyserver site.  The virtual directory (URL) for the collaboration CAS should be pointed to the C:\skyserver\collab.<release> directory (i.e., the  C:\skyServer\collab.dr3 directory in the above example), and similarly the public site should be pointed to the C:\skyServer\public.<release> directory.   A similar convention should be followed for an astro site if necessary.

  3. Set up the site parameters in the file - To point the skyserver website to the correct database server and set up all the other parameters like the access level etc., you need to modify a single file at the top level of the web interface directory that you created in step 1 - the include file. Note that the CVS export of skyServer will contain a file - do not modify this file, it is just the template for that is checked into CVS. Copy the file to a new file called (no .cvs extension).  Open this file in NotePad or your favorite editor.  There are comments (instructions) in the file that describe what needs to be set.  This includes the following parameters:
    1. Access level - the access variable controls the site look and feel, the timeouts, and the content that is displayed for different classes of users.
    2. Release - The name of this release, e.g. DR1, DR2 etc. is stored in the release variable.  This is used in page titles, default database name (BESTDR1, TARGDR2) as stored in the database variable (next line in file, you don't need to change this).
    3. Connection to the database server - Set the userid, userpwd, and server variables to control the access to the database server. The userid is "test" for the web user that accesses the database.  The userid and password are usually set xxx-ed out in CVS for security purposes. Replace the x's by the correct userid and password for the web user. Also on the next line, set the server name to  the name of the machine that the databases reside on.
    4. Set the URLs for educational services and tools - the rest of the file contains URL settings for various tools and services.  The astroCAS and collabCAS URLs are the links to the corresponding CAS for the current release.  The wsGetJpegurl and wdCutOut URLs are for the image cutout service.
  4. Create a virtual directory if necessary - Next you need to create a virtual directory corresponding to the URL that will point to this site, if it doesn't already exist.  Usually, the collab site URL is the "collab" virtual directory under the default web site (e.g., similarly for the public and astro sites.  If the virtual directory corresponding to the URL already exists, just make sure it points to the correct Windows directory (e.g. C:\skyserver\collab.02-25-2004).  [To set up or check a virtual directory, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Manage".  Open the Services and Applications tab and then the Internet Information Services (IIS) tab.  Then open the Default Web Site tab.  If "collab" or "public" doesnt exist under it, right-click on Default Web Site and select New Virtual Directory.  Create the new Virtual directory and set C:\skyServer\collab (or public) as its home directory.  If the collab or public virtual directory already exists, right-click on it and view its Properties,  and make sure its home directory is set to the correct one.]
  5. Update the SiteConstants table - Part of the SiteConstants table is updated automatically, but the WebServerURL and DataServerURL values should be updated to reflect the CAS and DAS URLs that this DB server is linked to.  The underlying assumption here is that each DB server is serving a unique SkyServer site, which is not always true.  In case the DB server is serving more than one SkyServer site, you can just set the WebServerURL to one of them - the most stable one.  Remember to include the "en/" at the end of the CAS URL.  These URLs are used by functions like fGetUrlNavExp and fGetUrlFits... to build URLs for image cutouts and FITs files  (on the DAS).  The URLs can be updated with commands like:
  6. UPDATE SiteConstants SET value='' WHERE name='WebServerURL'
    UPDATE SiteConstants SET value='' WHERE name='DataServerURL'
  7. Set up web access user on DB server - If the DB server is new or the databases have been copied to it from somewhere else, you will need to set up the web access user on it ("test" user).  Open a Query Analyzer window (on master or BEST DB) on the DB server.  Enter the following commands in the QA window (first command only necessary if no login exists for "test", you can check in Security->Logins):
EXEC sp_addlogin 'test', '<pwd>', 'master'        {<pwd> = test's password}
USE BEST<release>
EXEC sp_change_users_login N'UPDATE_ONE', N'test', N'test'
EXEC spGrantAccess 'U', 'test'
USE TARG<release>
EXEC sp_change_users_login N'UPDATE_ONE', N'test', N'test'
EXEC spGrantAccess 'U', 'test'
USE master
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].xp_varbintohexstr to test
This should set up the web access (and take care of orphaned users if you copied the DB from elsewhere).
To switch the database server that a particular skyserver site points to, perform step 2.3 to edit the file and set the server name.


  1. Loading stops in CHK (first) step:
  2. Loading stops in BLD step with FRAMEWORK_ERROR:
  3. The CHK step log displays a WARNING status for the zoom files indicating that the number of zoom files in the CSV directories is less than what the loader expects.
  4. Loading seems to be stalled at the end of a step, and the next step will not start:
  5. Loading seems to be stalled in the middle of the PRELOAD step
  6. Corruption of the source CSV file(s)

To-do List

  1. Add tiling validation
  2. Add target->best matching (setting bestObjID)
  3. Integrate read-only admin web tree (loadstatus) into CVS

Ani R. Thakar,
Last Modified: June 8, 2005.