Spatial Queries
part 2

Query with complex regions

Sometimes the region is not a simple circle, so you must use the text interface to define one. Let's look at a probable approximation of California as a union of a rectangle and a polygon defined as the convex hull of some well-identifiable points

declare @californiaRegion varchar(max)
set @californiaRegion = 'REGION '
      + 'rect  latlon 39  -125 ' -- nortwest corner
      + '42    -120 '            -- center of Lake Tahoe 
      + 'chull latlon 39 -124 '  -- Pt. Arena
      + '39    -120 '    -- Lake  tahoe.
      + '35    -114.6 '  -- start Colorado River
      + '34.3  -114.1 '  -- Lake Havasu
      + '32.74 -114.5 '  -- Yuma
      + '32.53 -117.1 '  -- San Diego
      + '33.2  -119.5 '  -- San Nicholas Is
      + '34    -120.5 '  -- San Miguel Is.
      + '34.57 -120.65 ' -- Pt. Arguelo
      + '36.3  -121.9 '  -- Pt. Sur 
      + '36.6  -122.0 '  -- Monterey
      + '38    -123.03 ' -- Pt. Rayes


select PlaceName from Place 
where HtmID in 
(select distinct SI.objID
  from fHtmCoverRegion(@californiaRegion)  
  loop join SpatialIndex SI
on SI.HtmID between HtmIdStart and HtmIdEnd and SI.type = 'P' join place P on SI.objID = P.HtmID cross join fHtmRegionToTable(@californiaRegion) Poly group by SI.objID, Poly.convexID having min(SI.x*Poly.x + SI.y*Poly.y + SI.z*Poly.z - Poly.d) >= 0) OPTION (FORCE ORDER)

The expression inside the min() is a way to test whether or not a point is inside the region. Recall, that a point is in the region if it is inside at least one convex, and it inside a convex if it is inside all the halfspaces. The "coarse filter" is performed by the condition on the join between the covermap and the SpatialIndex. A query with identical results, but without the coarse filtering of the covermap is expressed as

select PlaceName  from Place 
where HtmID in 
(select distinct SI.objID 
  from SpatialIndex as SI, fHtmRegionToTable(@californiaRegion) as Poly
  group by SI.objID, Poly.convexID 
  having min(SI.x*Poly.x + SI.y*Poly.y + SI.z*Poly.z - Poly.d) >= 0)    

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Last update May 29, 2007 György Fekete version 3.1.2