dbo Functions

Scalar Valued Functions

A string with the version information.
dbo.fHtmEq(float RA, float DEC)
HtmID of the iven location as a BIGINT
dbo.fHtmGetString(bigint hid)
String representation of the given HtmID.
dbo.fHtmCoverRegionError(nvarchar(max) regionSpec)
String explaining the syntax error in the region specification. If there is no syntax error, this function returns "OK" .
float RA1, float DEC1, float RA2, float DEC2)
The angular distance in arc minutes between the two given locations. The input parameters are in degrees.
float X1, float Y1, float Z1,
float X2, float Y2, float Z2)
The angular distance in arc minutes between the two given locations. The parameters
(x, y, z) must be normalized.

Table Valued Functions

dbo.fHtmCoverBinaryAdvanced(varbinary(max) bin)
The covermap of the region specified by the binary object
dbo.fHtmCoverCircleEq(float RA, float DEC, float radius)
The covermap of the given Halfspace specified as a circle with the radius given in minutes of arc
float x, float y, float z, float radius)
The covermap of the given Halfspace specified as a circle with the radius given in minutes of arc.
dbo.fHtmCoverRegion(nvarchar(max) regionSpec)
The covermap of the specified region. If a null table is returned, it can be because the region is null, or there was a syntax error. It is good to use the scalar function fHtmGetRegionError
dbo.fHtmCoverRegionAdvanced(nvarchar(max) regionSpec)
The covermap of the specified region similar, but with an extra innerFlag column.
nvarchar(max) region, nvarchar(max) type)
The requested type of covermap. Type is one of the following three: 'full', 'outer', 'partial'
dbo.fHtmEqToXyz(float RA, float DEC)
A table of X Y Z columns and one row.
dbo.fHtmGetCenterPoint(bigint HtmID)
A table of X Y Z columns and one row. Center of the trixel with given HtmID
dbo.fHtmGetCornerPoints(bigint HtmID)
A table of X Y Z columns and three rows. The three corners of the trixel with given HtmID
dbo.fHtmXyzToEq(float X, float Y, float Z)
A table of RE DEC columns and one row. Inverse of fHtmEqToXyz

Last update May 29, 2007 György Fekete version 3.1.2